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interior wall and brick walls  painted white and yellow by ultimate painters in toronto ontario

House Painting & Remodeling Services

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$600 Off On Paint Jobs

High-End House Painting And Remodeling Services 

Transform your home with a fresh coat of paint from our team of professional house painters.

We specialize in both interior and exterior painting services and take great care to ensure a job well done. As a family-owned business, we understand the importance of a personal touch and strive to make every customer feel completely satisfied.

Request a free quote from us today. We're the Professional Painters in Toronto, Scarborough, and GTA ready to enhance the look of your home or business. 

Painting Services We Specialized In

painter using a brush to paint  straight lines between the door case and walls.
This beautiful exterior house painted gray and black by our professional painter at ultimate painters.
Inteior office walls paint by our ultimate painters team.
House with the deck and fence painted.
Exterior stucco house re-paint in toronto
Exterior brick paint by our two experts..
Deck and Fence

Need your deck or fence painted? we can bring your deck and fence back to life with the best paint that will protect it from harsh weather year-round. You will be amazed when your deck and fence painting is done by us. 

Unbeatable Perfection.

Exterior Stucco

Yes at ultimate painters we also specialize in exterior stucco painting and staining, we try our best to offer a wide variety of services to our clients. Stucco painting can definitely change the look of your home giving it that modern look like any other Toronto home.

Exterior Brick 

Exterior brick painting and staining are one of the next popular Toronto fixes for painting and changing the look of old brick houses making them look modern, not only homes but also the exterior of commercial buildings needs painting too, so we're here for everyone. 

family room wall painted gray in toronto

(647) -970 - 5089


interior condo painted off white by ultimate painters in toronto.

We take pride in providing high-quality painting services that enhance the look of your home or business. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to ensuring your satisfaction every step of the way. At Ultimate Painters, we know the importance of a complete walk-through to ensure that all your concerns have been addressed. Contact us today to see the difference a fresh coat of paint can make.

Satisfied Clients

huge outside of house paint job.

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$600 Off  On Paint Services 

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Create your dream home. 
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